
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Best of 2014: December

And so to December. I didn't blog that many outfits this month due to the holidays, but those I did record all had a festive feel. Happy New Year to all my readers and here's to 2015!

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Best of 2014: November

November and we're almost done.  The trouble with posting fewer outfit posts during the week is that there are fewer to pick from when it comes to doing these posts at the end of the year.

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Outfit: Christmas Eve



Georgia Rose Venette blue suede ankle boot

Howdy all! Sorry for the prolonged absence, I’ve been enjoying the Christmas holidays and spending time with friends and family. Here’s a new outfit for you though: what I wore on Christmas Eve.



More accurately this is what I wore the afternoon and evening of Christmas Eve: I spent the morning in an old pair of jeans and sweatshirt whilst I was cleaning and prepping the veg for Christmas dinner.



In the afternoon I headed over to see my sister and we went to the Christmas Eve service at my old church. Then it was off to a local pub for a few festive drinks. I wore a sparkly sweater for a bit of festive cheer, and my favourite Armani jeans that I bought in Australia three years ago.

Blue sweater – Topshop (sale)
Jeans – Armani (David Jones, Sydney (sale))
Snakeskin belt – local boutique
Blue suede booties – Georgia Rose (c/o Sarenza)
Blue necklace – New Look (sale)
Silver cuff – M&S (free on 3 for 2)
Silver bangles – gifted
Snowflake earrings – Etsy

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Monday, December 29, 2014

Best of 2014: October

I think it says a lot about which season is my favourite, that I needed two collages for October.  I've been loving that black hat this year.

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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Best of 2014: September

September!  And I kind of miss my long hair when I look back at these pictures, but I know what a pain in the ass it had become.  I'm definitely going to grow it back though.

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Best of 2014: August

By August the summer was about done, and by the end of it I was already in ankle boots and looking forward to the autumn.

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Friday, December 26, 2014

Best of 2014: July

July was hot and sunny for the most part too.

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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Best of 2014: June

June was a cracking month, we had some really hot and sunny weather.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Best of 2014: May

May's outfits.  Spring was here - look ma, no tights!

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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Best of 2014: April

April's picks.  Which do you like best?

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Monday, December 22, 2014

Best of 2014: March

March's outfits.  I forgot how dark my hair was and this was after I'd started colouring it.  I'm thinking I might go back dark.  I mean, I love the blonde highlights, but I don't like the upkeep and the roots, and I always did love my natural colour.  What do you think?

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Best of 2014: February

Which is your favourite look from February?

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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Best of 2014: January

Well folks, it's that time of the year again.  It's time to look back at my favourite outfits of the past year and for you to pick out your favourite.

First up is January.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Outfit: More Festive Dressing in Red and Green



Georgia Rose red booties

There’s an old adage that red and green should never be seen, but I think that if you can’t embrace those seasonal colours in December, when can you?



In an attempt to look like an elf, or a Christmas decoration, or something, I put my red sweater with my teal skirt. I added red booties and a collar necklace for good measure. I was going to put an actual shirt under the sweater, but I find that I always end up looking (and feeling) lumpy with a shirt layered under a jumper so I went for just the collar necklace instead.



Is everyone feeling festive yet? I put up some more fairy lights at the weekend with some tinsel and glittery baubles so my front room is looking quite pretty now. Only a week to go to the big day!

Red sweater – Long Tall Sally (sale)
Teal skirt – H&M
Grey tights – Tesco?
Red suede boots – Georgia Rose (c/o Sarenza)
Cream beaded collar necklace – Primark
Silver snowflake earrings – FunkyJunk Jewellery

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Outfit: Carol Service



Georgia Rose Moletina red cowboy boots

Sunday night was the annual service of Carols by Candlelight at my church. It’s a lovely service – as the name suggests the church is lit entirely by candles and we sing carols and have Bible readings. I’m in the choir and we sang three pieces as well as the congregational carols.



I was feeling very festive so an outfit of red and green seemed appropriate. I added bootcut jeans (I feel like this pair makes my legs look exceptionally long) and red cowboy boots.

Teal faux wrap top – Long Tall Sally
Red polo neck sweater – Long Tall Sally (sale)
Jeans – Next Tall (eBay)
Red boots – Georgia Rose (c/o Sarenza)
Silver necklace – New Look (sale)

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Sunday, December 14, 2014

This Week…

I got myself a new mouse at work last Friday. It’s a posh wireless one as my old, wired, one was catching on my monitor cable and driving me mad as it kept getting stuck. My new one is silver (score 1) and shiny (score 2) but it’s the additional side buttons that I’m most excited about. My old mouse had these extra buttons but for some reason the drivers wouldn’t install properly on my new laptop, meaning I had to have the buttons doing what they were defaulted to do, not what I wanted them to do.

The new mouse’s drivers have installed no problem and so I can have the left hand side button set to minimise windows as I used to be able to do on my old laptop. It’s a small thing I know, but this is making me extremely happy. Sometimes it’s the little things, you know?

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Friday, December 12, 2014

Outfit: Christmas Jumper Day!




Ukala Sydney high chestnut

Today is National Christmas Jumper Day. No, I didn’t know that was a thing until this year either. My sweater is from Primark and was an early Christmas present from my little sister. It is 80% wool which for only £14 is pretty good I think.



As my sweater isn’t one of the bright, garish ones with flashing lights or anything I added some snowman deely boppers for good measure. A few years back I used to sing with that esteemed vocal ensemble Harrogate Choral Society. Every Christmas we would join up with the local schools for a big concert in the International Centre. As I sang 2nd Alto I would always end up on the back row. My fellow 2nd Altos and I would don deely boppers, tinsel and all manner of Christmassy items in the second half. It was always a really fun night, we’d all sing Jingle Bells and Santa would come to visit. My snowmen were a gift from one of my 2nd Alto friends in the choir.

Grey wool sweater – Primark (gifted)
Jeans – Esprit (c/o Spartoo)
Snakeskin belt – local boutique
Tan boots – EMU Australia (c/o Sarenza)
Snowman deely boppers – gifted
Silver snowflake earrings – FunkyJunk Jewellery
Silver cuff – M&S (free on 3 for 2)
Silver bangles – Scope, DP and gifted

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Outfit: Layers



Jana Rahbini black ankle boot

I have somehow managed to be assigned a draughty seat again at work, right by the main entrance doors. This means that every time someone enters the building and then opens the doors to the ground floor I am blasted with an icy wind. It’s fun. Long-time readers may remember the winter of 2012/13 when the same thing happened in a previous office.



It has proved to be useful experience though as I learnt the art of layering that winter. Today I was going to just put the blue cardi over my dress, but as a last minute addition I got out the polo neck sweater and layered that under my dress for extra warmth. I probably could have done with longer boots, but I’m loving ankle boots with dresses right now, and the blue tights are fairly thick.

Blue cardi – Next Tall (eBay)
Black and grey dress – Next Tall
Black polo neck – New Look Tall
Blue tights – Accessorize
Whitby Jet cross – gifted
Blue and silver snowflake earrings – Etsy
Black boots – Jana Rahbini (c/o Sarenza)

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Monday, December 08, 2014

Outfit: Party Time!

Apologies for the quality of these photos, I didn't have time to take proper pictures before I went out. Friday night was my work Christmas party so I pulled out my most festive looking frock and went along.

The bash was in a hotel in Leeds and it was a great night.

This dress was actually made for me when I was in the Lower 6th (and I was clearly a prude in he 6th form as I could have sworn it had a lower neckline than it does. All I can remember is telling the lady who made it that I wanted to be able to wear a bra with it) and it was a full length ball gown but I had it shortened last year to make it more wearable for weddings and Christmas parties.  It was made for the summer ball in 1996 (which makes it practically vintage, does it not?) and I went for several fittings after school for a couple of weeks beforehand. One fitting was delayed by the one and only detention of my school career, for something that wasn't even my fault. My 3 friends and I were given detention by our particularly crotchety Head of Lower 6th for being late to a registration session that she had started early. If something starts before the bell in a school then it is early and that morning (we were on exam leave for our end of year exams) the four of us were going up the stairs to registration as the bell was ringing and people were coming down the stairs heading to the exam, their names having been called in a registration session that had clearly started early. The four of us were given detention, most unfairly, for being late (which we weren't) and as we were all boarders it wasn't as if we weren't on the premises and therefore unlikely to miss the exam anyway. And there's a story you never thought you'd hear in relation to a ball gown, huh?

Red dress - handmade
Silver shoes - c/o Sarenza
Grey shrug - borrowed from a friend 
Grey hair flower - Primark
Red heart necklace - Claire's

Sunday, December 07, 2014

This Week…

Have you tried Warburton’s Sandwich Thins? Or Tesco’s own version for that matter? (Other brands are also available, but I haven’t tried them.) The brown ones are free on Filling and Healthy (Weight Watchers for those just joining us) and I really like them as an alternative to a bread roll. I use them for my lunchtime sandwiches sometimes, and they’re great when I’m making bacon sandwiches. I feel like I’m eating a bread roll (sort of) but I’m getting way less bread. Win win.

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Friday, December 05, 2014

Outfit: Holidays Are Coming…




Deichmann Graceland wedge boot

I promised you a festive themed Casual Friday this week so here you are! Can’t get much more festive than the Coca Cola lorry. This t shirt is from Primark. I got mine last year but they have them in again this year and they have sweatshirts with a similar print on them. This t shirt is marked a size 6 but it’s huge (by no stretch of the imagination am I a size 6!). I think the sizing is a little more realistic for this year’s batch of shirts.



I layered up with a sweater as there’s talk of snow flurries today. Brr!


If you follow me on Instagram you will know that I wore these boots yesterday too. It’s unusual for me to wear the same boots or shoes two days in a row, but these are so comfy and cosy (they have a faux-sheepskin lining) that I might just keep them on the rest of the winter. Not only that, but they are actually knee high on me and that is rare thing for boots when you have legs as long as I do. The fact that they were a gift a few years back from the lovely people at Deichmann doesn't hurt either.

Black t shirt – Primark
Red sweater – Long Tall Sally (sale)
Jeans – Long Tall Sally
Red beads – eBay
Silver snowflake earrings – FunkyJunk Jewellery
Tan boots – c/o Deichmann Shoes

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