Monday, October 13, 2008

New York!

I am going to New York tomorrow and will therefore not be posting again until Monday 20th or Tuesday 21st. In the meantime, please enjoy the archives and have a great week!


  1. Have a great time in NYC. I will there in a week and a half and I can't wait!

  2. I have given you guys an "I love your Blog" award!

  3. Hey chick.

    Hope you've had a fabulous time in NY!

    I've nominated you for the honest blogger award. If you'd like to pass it on, the rules are on my blog.

    Can't wait to see your lovely purchases! Cx

  4. Hope you enjoy NYC! When you get back, I've tagged you for a meme :)

  5. Have a great time Fi!
    SFF isn't working so it's been "oh so quiet" there for a whole week!

  6. Thanks everyone!
    Caroline & Boutique Girl: Thank you so much for the awards, no one's given me one before and now I have 2 in the same week!

    Erin: Please can you give me a link to your blog so I can see what the meme is?

    Beth: Gemma is on the case with SFF but no one at Shiny knows what's wrong with it. Hoping it will be fixed soon, I miss everyone!
