Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Imitation Leather

Someone should really tell stores to stop naming things as something they’re not. Last night I spent half an hour wandering round Land of Leather, looking at sofas made from something called ‘leather match’. They should really call the store Land of Imitation Leather.
This is not limited to furniture stores either, it’s happening all over the high street. How many times have I clicked on a ‘wool coat’ or ‘wool dress’ to find the wool content is somewhere around 28%? Too many times! Take this ‘Wool Stripe A Line Dress’, £22 at Topshop.
Actually, don’t. It’s 100% cotton.
And this ‘Black Satin Print dress’ for £55 at Evans?
100% polyester.


  1. I am having similiar problems. Trying to get some lovely chocolate leather chairs for my dining suite. Leather Chairs should be made of errr... leather. Why do I have to look for real leather labels. At least when buying shoes the label makes this quite clear! Guess I am better at buying shoes that chairs!

  2. Satin is the kind of weave in the fabric, not the fibres - so you can have polyester satin, silk satin, cotton satin etc etc...just so ya know :)
