Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Work That Wardrobe

For those of you who have yet to discover this wonderful blog, Jane is going a whole year without buying any new clothes or shoes. She is, however, allowed to buy from eBay with any money she makes selling items from her own wardrobe – a sort of wardrobe swap (or ‘Swishing’ as Twiggy calls it on her TV show).

I have decided that for the remainer of 2008 I will follow this same principle and attempt not to buy any new clothes or shoes. If I want to buy anything from eBay I must first sell something to raise the money. There is not much that I want to part with presently so this could prove something of a challenge for me!


  1. Thanks so much for the plug. I wish you well on your journey. I have been so excited by the twists and turns that I have taken since making the pledge.
    I will look forward to reading your progress (and catching those NY snaps!)

  2. Good luck! What a challenge - not one for me!
