Friday, January 02, 2009

Working With What I’ve Got

I have just been going through the January issues of various fashion magazines and most of them contain articles on using what you already have in your closet. I am feeling inspired. I would say I was going to give up shopping for the New Year but we all know that that would only last until the new Next Directory is delivered. However, I will try very hard to cut down. What I will also do is pinch an idea I saw on Jessica’s What I Wore blog. The idea is that you turn all of your hangers the wrong way round in your closet and then as you wear each item you replace the hanger the right way round so you can see what you are wearing and what you are not wearing. Being too lazy to do take all my hangers out and turn them around, I will just replace each item the other way around once it’s been worn. Anything that has not been worn by Easter I will seriously think about eBaying or donating to the charity shop.


  1. Oh, that's a great idea with the hangers, I think I may have to try that one, too!

    Also, I got the new Next Directory a couple of days ago, so I expect yours is on its way :)

  2. I think that the hanger this is a great idea!

    I am getting ready to do a huge ebay selling stint!
