Monday, September 10, 2012

Shoeper Challenge 2012 #57 and A Weekend Recap


No outfit post for the weekend, but I did get a quick snap of the shoes I wore on Saturday afternoon. I was beginning to think they wouldn’t get saved but it was FINALLY warm and dry enough (I know, in mid-September!) to wear them when we went to a friend’s nana’s 80th birthday party. It was actually just an excuse to spend some time with our friends from Australia who are over visiting at the moment and the party was in our village so it wasn’t far to go. We had a great time and the young man ended up running into the mum of one of his best friends from junior school so we stayed longer than anticipated to have a drink with her.

Sunday I was on Sunday School duty so went off to church. After lunch I washed my car then we sat in the conservatory for a while when the sun went in and it got windy. We had a barbeque for tea, ever fearful that it may be the last one of the season.

The shoes I saved on Saturday were bought on my birthday last year I think, in New Look and were to replace a very similar pair that had fallen apart the previous summer.

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