Monday, May 19, 2008

This Week I Will Be Mostly…

…wearing my new purchases
…reading the ‘Caitlin’ trilogies – just got the Forever trilogy to finish
…watching whatever I want on Thursday night as the young man is out for the evening
…listening to my Summer 2004 mix CD in my car
…eating flapjack
…shopping for nothing – I bought quite enough at the weekend!


  1. Sounds like a great week ahead (except shopping for nothing!). =)

  2. A little tip for your viewing tonight - it's the second semi-final of Eurovision on BBC Three! The first was rubbish but apparently all the decent countries are in the second heat.

  3. Yes I had considered that! Think I'll put it on and see how bad it is. I do love me some Eurovision!

  4. Yes I had considered that! Think I'll put it on and see how bad it is. I do love me some Eurovision!
