Thursday, March 12, 2009

Outfit: Smart Casual

I’m bending the rules by wearing jeans on a Thursday again. I was going to put my purple booties with this outfit, but changed my mind and added the yellow wedges as an unexpected second colour pop. I think yellow is a very sping-like colour, even though I don’t wear it very often. I remember as a child my sister’s favourite colour was yellow – we had these anoraks from Mothercare that matched – hers was yellow, mine was red. I was dressed in red a lot as a child. My mother and grandmother thought it suited me as I have dark hair.

Purple tank – Long Tall Sally
Grey check shirt – New Look Tall
Jeans – Dorothy Perkins Tall
Purple belt – Ethel Austin
Yellow wedges – Priceless Shoes
Purple necklace – Scope

Total Est. Cost £66